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Výrobcovia / značky

STOPPER-ROL-SFB-H21X (6LJ57127000)

Úvod Kopírky a faxy Kopírky a faxy náhradné dielySTOPPER-ROL-SFB-H21X (6LJ57127000)

STOPPER-ROL-SFB-H21X (6LJ57127000)

Kód: 1038698
Dostupnosť: Na dotaz
6,70 € bez DPH 8,04 € s DPH
Do košíka

STOPPER-ROL-SFB-H21X (6LJ57127000)

e-STUDIO2555C/3055C/3555C/4555C/5055C e-STUDIO2050C/ 2550C/ 2051C/ 2551C BSI: G13I202 FactoryApplication: e-STUDIO2050C/2550C/2051C/2551C: C7JC60372 - e-STUDIO2555C/3055C/3555C/4555C/5055C: C7IC25301 - C7IC25319, C7IC25421 - C7JC25659, C7IC25680 - C7JC25793, C7IC25818 - Parts Availability in Tokyo: October 10, 2013 CONTENT [Update: March 20, 2014] Serial numbers have been added. -------------------------------------------------- We would like to inform you of a countermeasure to be taken to prevent the bypass feed roller coming off. [Phenomenon] The bypass feed roller comes off while paper jams in the bypass section are being released. [Cause] The bypass feed roller does not come off during a normal releasing operation. However, it occurs because the jammed paper is pulled diagonally against the paper direction while it is being removed. This is because the bypass feed roller is designed so that it can be replaced without using any tools. [Countermeasure] A stopper has been added to prevent this happening. Insert the stopper between the flange of the collar and the bypass feed roller. When the bypass roller is removed from such equipment, be sure to first take out the stopper. [Countermeasure in the field] Add this stopper to such equipment in which this happening occurs frequently. In addition, please explain to the customers that they should pull the jammed paper straight against the paper direction when they release it.
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